Seminars and conferences:
IISEPS has organized more than 50 international, national and regional conferences, seminars and round table discussions with more then 1000 participants (including politicians, businessmen, scholars, journalists, youth and trade union leaders) from Belarus, as well as their colleagues from the USA, Canada, Europe, Baltic states and NIS. IISEPS Network of public leaders and experts from all regions of the country has been formed.
International Conference "Future of Belarus", dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of Independent Research of Belarus and the Establishment of IISEPS, was organized in Vilnius in May 2012 with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the international organization PACT, as well as the Eastern Europe Studies Center EESC (Lithuania) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania
Within the project "Strengthening pro-"wide Europe" attitudes in Belarus", conducted in 2005-2007, the International Conference "Belarus and "wide Europe": problems and perspectives" was organized in Minsk,
Round table discussion "Public attitudes to pro-"wide Europe" and Russia" was organized in Brest,
Round table discussion "The EU and Russia's policies to Belarus" was organized in Vitebsk,
Round table discussion "The role of civic society in strengthening of pro-European attitudes in Belarus" was organized in Gomel,
Round table discussion "The role of state and business in strengthening of pro-European attitudes in Belarus" was organized in Mogilev,
Round table discussion "Future of Belarus Within and Outside "Great Europe" was organized in Grodno
Two seminars were held within the project "Impact of think tanks on public opinion and public policy", conducted in 2004 with PONTIS Foundation (Bratislava)
(Seminar 1, Seminar 2)
Within the project "Strengthening role of independent social research and experts' networks in Belarus", conducted in 2002-2004, the International Conference "Formation of public opinion and policy in Belarus" was organized in Minsk, Seminar "Social research and social development in Belarus" was organized in Gomel,
Seminar "Development of the information society in Belarus" was organized in Brest,
Seminar "Democratic Influence on Public Opinion and Politics in Belarus" was organized in Grodno
Series of seminars on the problems of presidential election within the framework of the project "Belarus: prospects in the XXI century" were organized (with Analytical center "Strategy") in April-December 2001
Series of seminars on the problems of parliamentary election within the framework of the project "Belarus on the threshold of the XXI century: ways of social transformation" were organized (with Analytical center "Strategy") in June-December 2000
Conference "Building an Information and Analytical Infrastructure for Private Enterprise in Belarus" was organized (with Belarusian Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers in the name of M. Kounyavsky) in Minsk in March 2000
Conference "Role of Youth in the Formation of Civil Society in Belarus" was organized in Minsk in September 1999
Series of seminars on the problems of building an information and analytical infrastructure for private enterprise in Belarus (with Belarusian Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers in the name of M. Kounyavsky) were organized in 1999 (Seminar 1, Seminar 2, Seminar 3, Seminar 4, Seminar 5)
Two seminars on the problems of production of economic programs by non-state TV companies in Belarus were organized in 1998 (Seminar 1, Seminar 2)
The program of quarterly regional seminars on the problems of anti-market stereotypes and their overcoming were organized in 1997-1998 (Seminar 1, Seminar 2, Seminar 3, Seminar 4)
International Conference "Formation of Public Leaders in Post-Communist Society" was organized in Minsk in June 1997
Series of seminars on different aspects of formation of public leaders in post-communist Belarus were organized in all regions of the country in 1996-1997 (Seminar 1, Seminar 2, Seminar 3, Seminar 4, Seminar 5)
The program of seminars on the problems of economic reforms in Belarus were organized (with Vitebsk regional branch of Belarusian Soros foundation) in Vitebsk in 1995-1996 (Seminar 1, Seminar 2, Seminar 3, Seminar 4, Seminar 5, Seminar 6)
Quarterly regional seminars on the principles of free market economy in the programs and activity of leading actors of politics and economics of Belarus were organized in 1995 (Seminar 1, Seminar 2, Seminar 3, Seminar 4)
International Conference "Economic Reforms in Post-Communist Society: Liberal Choice" was organized in Minsk in March 1994
International Colloquium "The Right to Communicate in Transitional Society" was organized (with independent publishing house ABRIS) in Kiev in September 1993
International Conference "Economic Reforms in Post-Communist Society: Liberal Choice" was organized in Minsk in November 1992
International Symposium "Problems of Transition from Totalitarianism to Democracy" was organized in Minsk in July 1992