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Video Presentations of IISEPS Experts
"Oleg Manaev: Lukashenko for Belarusians - "one bird in hands" - The Voice of America, September 12, 2015
"Lev Margolin and Oleg Manaev" - OGPTVi, May 6, 2014
"Why did Lukashenko's rating grow?" - Belsat, "Kalinkina's conversation", April 24, 2014
"Crimea events through the lens of public opinion" - Liberal Club-TV, April 22, 2014
"Ukrainian crisis: influence on public opinion in Belarus" - Belsat, "In Focus", April 16, 2014
"Hidden changes" - Belsat, "Expert", February 6, 2014
"Belarusian society in a dangerous state" - UCP-TV, January 31, 2014
"Modern Belarusian society: fish-soup or aquarium?" - TUT.BY-TV, "Without answers", June 25, 2013
"What Do Belarusians Think?" - YouTube, April 12, 2013
"There is no alternative" - Belsat, "In Focus", March 29, 2013
"Which is better: a good law or a good leader?" - Radio Liberty, March 29, 2013
"Russian-speaking Belarusians: is it possible?" - Belsat, "Forum", February 17, 2013
"The future of Belarus as a projection of the present" - Urbi et Orbi, February 8, 2013
"What do Belarusians Think?" - Belarus Digest, January 18, 2013
"What sentiments prevail?" - Belsat, January 10, 2013
"A plague on both your houses" - EuroBelarus, "Thinking aloud", December 18, 2012
"Ąt the Crossroads" - Belsat, December ,11 2012
"Whom Belarusians love more - Europe or Russia?" - Belsat, October 26, 2012
"Response to the criticism of the opposition" - Belsat, October 25, 2012
"Belarus may become Europe" - ARU TV, May, 2012
"60% of young people dream of the West" - Belsat, December 4, 2011
"Lukashenko wins due to women, but he holds the power with men's hands" - Belsat, November 7, 2011
"Just give people freedom!" - Belsat, August 19, 2011
"Feeling of power's injustice increases " - Belsat, June 13, 2011
"All the mirrors are broken" - TUT.by, May 23, 2011
"Diagnosis from a sociologist" - Belsat, "In Focus", April 11, 2011
"Election evening on Belsat" - Belsat, December 19, 2010